
Drill Bits

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Chemical Fixings | Chemical Fixing Solutions For Heavy-Duty Fixings in Concrete And Masonry

Chemical fixings are the fixing solution for transferring extreme loads in concrete, aerated concrete or masonry expansion-free. fischer has a unique competence in developing and manufacturing chemical fixing solutions. This allows an optimum and secure solution to be offered for all applications, even under extreme construction site conditions such as wet, cold or heat: approved systems with resin capsules, injection mortars, threaded rods, internal threaded rods, anchor sleeves, accessories and processing equipment

An Overview on Screw Head Types

Knowing the different screw head types is important for a Do-It-Yourselfer and Professional. A screw head allows the screw to be used with a screwdriver and helps the screw to be turned. With numerous types of screw heads available in the market, it can get confusing for an amateur. There are numerous different screw head types with distinct characteristics. Every single one has a job to do, and the other cannot play the substitute. Does everyone know what they are for?  This article explains the most common and popular ones amongst the professionals. Here are a few pointers on the types of screw head types to the amateur Do-It-Yourselfer who is only accustomed to the Slotted screw and Phillips. Slotted Screw A traditional screw head, the slotted screw has been around for a while. It used to be the only screw head type available. The screw is a single line that runs through the middle of the head. It tends to burr and become unusable. Phillips Screw Crea...